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A Peace Message from Norway

African Union - Gender Equality in Africa
Join the campaign, sign the petition for ratification of AU Protocol on Women's rights in Africa now!

Mercenaries Letter
Karl Miller
urges the UK government to urgently take effective actions to control the threats posed by mercenaries with regards to  Equatorial Guinea Mercenaries Coup affair involving UK people such as Sir Mark Thatcher and Simon Mann.

Blood Run Done; Cease Now Peace Poem
Errol Baptiste's
dub poem supporting the call for a whole year cease fire.

 Letter to Religious Groups
Fidel Asante,  asks "So can legislation alone arouse in man that will to protect and provide the 'right to life’ as it is and might be? For some gradual shift in his awareness of himself and his relation to others cannot be forced upon him by letter of law alone. Those acts and sentiments that define and guide our common humanity cannot simply be embodied in institutional law to become active. We would have destroyed ourselves a long time ago if we relied on such a structure of order.  More likely it is that we know Life to be that unique value which is spoken in all languages and misunderstood in none."

Finnish Conscientious Objectors
Email from David Heller For Mother Earth / Case Hermaja.

Arms unto the nations.
In its largest export market, Israel plays by very different rules than in any other sector. From Dave Rolstone.

The World is waging PEACE - an amazing speech
Report of lecture given by Dr. Robert Muller, former assistant secretary general of the United Nations.
Has anyone read many of his 4000 Ideas and Dreams For A Better World?

Some Ideas on Iraq - Karl Miller shares some thoughts on the Iraq crisis. 15 to 24 Jan 2003.

Blood run done, CEASE, NOW PEACE   - Karl Miller calls for a ceasfire as part of  the multi strategy approach that needs to be adopted to reduce gun violence. 5 December 2002

IMMANUEL KANT, PERPETUAL PEACE: A PHILOSOPHICAL SKETCH (1795) Francis K Krause  reminds us of some prerequsites for peace from Kant in 1795. 11th September 2002