for In-Depth Reform of the System of International Institutions
"World citizen legislative initiative"
We, citizens of the world, determined to safeguard future generations from war, poverty, injustice, cultural uniformisation and environmental degradation,
DECLARE the particular seriousness of the problems and challenges facing humanity and, in particular, that
In this state of the affairs, we citizens proclaim that a fairer world is possible, and we reclaim our democratic entitlement to participate in global decisions that affect our lives every day. To this end, we
PROPOSE in-depth reform of the system of international institutions to guarantee:
The pursuit of these goals requires a stronger, more democratic UN, placed at the centre of a consistent, democratic, responsible, effective system of international institutions. More specifically, we need to democratise the composition and decision-making procedures of UN bodies and agencies to ensure that they are effective and democratic. And we need to reform and integrate within the UN all other global multilateral organisations (IMF, WB, WTO, etc.). To achieve these objectives, we seek to
FOSTER a process of:
Our main project at present is the above-mentioned WORLD CAMPAIGN FOR IN-DEPTH REFORM OF THE SYSTEM OF INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. In this context, the latest meeting of the Campaign Organising Committee, which took place on 10-12 February 2006, concluded, amongst other things, that:
Events in the world of the international institutions in recent years, especially in 2005 (UN Millennium +5 Summit and 6th WTO Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong) show conclusively that if the World Campaign did not already exist, it would be absolutely essential to launch it. The campaign must, therefore, continue and, needless to say, be improved, adapted to new political circumstances (which show substantial differences, at various levels, compared to 2002 and 2003, when the campaign was designed and launched respectively). The initiative should be relaunched benefiting from the knowledge and experience accumulated over the first campaign phase -from 2002 to 2005-, particularly the conceptual and practical know-how acquired (documents drawn up, mainly in 2004) and the impact that it has already made (an outstanding example of which is the impact made by the Campaign Committees and Focal Points).
Further Details Available at
World Campaign for In-Depth Reform of the System of International Institutions
UBUNTU – World Forum of Civil Society Networks
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