Soldiers in the Laboratory
Military has too much influence over science and
technology, says new report
A groundbreaking new report by Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR), detailing the
pervasive military presence within science and technology in the UK, was launched at
Parliament on 19th January.
The report examines developments from the end of the Cold War to the "War on
Terror" and demonstrates that the military still has considerable influence over
science and technology. A full 30% of all public spending on R&D in the UK is funded
by the Ministry of Defence, dwarfing that spent by, eg, the National Health Service. A new
generation of multi-million pound military partnerships has been developed involving UK
universities, and these groups pursue high technology, largely weapons-based research in a
climate of commercialisation and secrecy.
The report details four case studies on: new nuclear weapons; nanotechnology; biological
sciences; and the "Missile Defense" programme. These show that much military
science and technology helps to narrow thinking on security issues, focusing on the use of
military technology while marginalising attempts to understand and tackle the roots of
conflict. The report argues that more balanced funding of science and technology, which
would include more resources directed towards solving global environmental and social
problems (eg climate change, clean water and sanitation, resource depletion), would have
greater benefits, including in terms of global security.
This report is particularly timely. The UK government has recently announced plans to
boost spending on a high-technology military over the next five years, while US spending
on military objectives is soaring. Meanwhile political controversy on military issues (eg
UK involvement in the Iraq war, the international arms trade) and science issues (eg GM
crops, the power of vested interests) continues to rage.
Dr Chris Langley, author of the report, points out that: "Today the military sector
plays a disproportionate role in setting the research agenda for science and engineering.
Yet we face a whole variety of security
threats which are not addressed by current military thinking which is out-dated and
reminiscent of the Cold War."
Professor Steven Rose, a speaker at the launch, added: "Ever since 1945, and under
Tory and Labour governments, Britain has spent disproportionately more of its research and
development budget on military technology than any
other European country - a huge waste of scientific resource. Will it ever change? SGR's
new report argues that it is both possible and desirable. Is it too much to hope that the
next election might bring to power a government committed to redirecting science away from
the military?"
Dr Philip Webber, Chair of Scientists for Global Responsibility, said that: "The
report reveals a new military-industrial complex of the 21st century -
military-led funding of exotic technologies and hi-tech weaponry rather
than technology to address pressing social and human needs. This situation
can only lead to greater long-term insecurity and needs to be challenged."
The new SGR report 'Soldiers in the Laboratory' executive summary and
full report are now available to download
from the SGR website, see: and
of course additional paper copies of the report can be ordered from the SGR office at GBP
12.50 or at a special rate of GBP 7.50 to members of SGR, AESR and INES (plus, in both
cases, 10% for p&p).
Scientists for Global Responsibility (SGR) is an independent UK-based organisation of
scientists and engineers promoting ethical science and technology.
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