ARC Music

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The works  in the Nurturing ARC Series by Aray  ( ARC Peace Quotes, ARC: The UN and Africa , Nurturing ARC Instrumentals) are the Copyright of Aray Limited.

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So please redistribute, translate, remix, build upon and share these works.


2 for the price of 1 (limited offer buy Arc Peace Quotes or ARC: The UN and Africa and get the other free)

You can order the CDs, purchase order and download individual tracks from our Web Shop.
ARC CDs Free Music  to download and listen to some of the tracks.

ARC Peace Quotes by Aray - ARC Speeches set to originally composed World music.
Includes ARC Introduction & Resolution
Quotes on the UN and Armaments, Help to Advance ARC, Some ARC Voices, Spider & the Fly, Spider & the Fly Dub, (70 Minutes)

ARC: The UN and Africa by Aray - ARC Speeches set to new specifically composed World music. Includes Blood Run Done; Cease, Now Peace - Origins, Blood Run Done; Cease, Now Peace - International Year, The UN is in Crisis over Africa (Preamble & Introduction, 1 Give Up Armies, 2 Stem The Tide - End the Conflicts Now, 3 Prosecute the Guilty, 4 Collect and Destroy the Weapons, 5 Effectively Implement Sanctions - Supplies to and Resources from Conflict Areas, 6 Reduce resources spent on arms, 7 Implement UN Resolutions, 8 Reform the UN Conference on Disarmament (CD), 9 Get More Women Leaders, Summary), Some ARC Voices - Remix  (74 Minutes)

Nurturing ARC Instrumentals by Djigui and Aray - Remixed versions of Nurturing ARC speeches music with additional instruments. Includes: Some ARC Voices - Original, Blood Run Done; Cease, Now Peace, ARC Introduction & Resolution, Quotes on the UN and Armaments, Help to Advance ARC, The UN is in Crisis over Africa, Some ARC Voices - Remix, The Spider and the Fly Dub2 (54 Minutes)

Free   'ARC: UN and Africa Peace - Dance Sample' with 20 minutes of music.
Contains extracts of 7 tracks from  Aray CDs. Extracts of ARC Introduction & ResolutionBlood Run Done; Cease, Now Peace - Origins, Blood Run Done; Cease, Now Peace - International Year, Some ARC Voices, Some ARC Voices - Remix - Instrumental, Spider & the Fly, The Spider and the Fly Dub2.
Email us at  for a copy.


ARC (in conjunction with Aray) has just produced three CDs with new specifically composed World music (World Dialogue Sounds). These form part of the Nurturing ARC Series. A collection of some music, speeches and other writings concerning the ARC.

World Dialogue Sounds, created in 2004 by an African (Djigui Diabate from the Ivory Coast) and an Afro Caribbean (Karl Miller from Jamaica) , is a fusion of Revival Reggae, Jazz, World Music, Drum and Bass, Easy Listening, Rhythm and Blues (R&B), Soul, Tribal, Ethnic, Instrumental and Speech Rap genres. It is optimised for speech (but presents an excellent medium for singing, rapping and toasting) by removing some distracting and overbearing sounds. Created with modern computer software, it features simple loops of many instruments that require an orchestra or a large band for fine live rendition. The sounds generate soothing, sad, groovy and even party moods. The instrumentals are rich in variety of sound and can be used for discos, background music, sound effects, film moods creation or just chilling.

Read Aray Interview on ARC CDs - 4 Oct 04

ARC Peace Quotes 1 by Aray - ARAY-CD1-PQ1 (65 Minutes)
Specifically composed World music (World Dialogue Sounds). These form part of the Nurturing ARC Series. A collection of some music, speeches and other writings concerning the ARC.

50% of profits and royalties goes to ARC.


All tracks written and produced by Karl Miller. All tracks music arranged and produced by Djigui, except The Spider and the Fly music by Vamps, engineer Henry, backing vocals by Alison. Published by Aray Limited © 2004. All rights of the manufacturing, distribution and of the owner of the recorded work reserved. Unauthorised public performance, broadcasting, copying, distribution and rental of this music prohibited.


ARC: The UN and Africa by   Aray -  ARAY-CD2-UA1 (74 Minutes)


Nurturing ARC Instrumentals by Djigui and Aray - ARAY-CD3-AI1 (54 Minutes)

Instrumentals inspired by the Arms Reduction Coalition. Remixed versions of Nurturing ARC speeches music with additional instruments. Includes:

See ARC CDs Free Music  to download and listen to some of the tracks.