ARC Resources
Below are some resources on our web site that will help you to support us; such as getting signatories to the ARC petition and even possibly by setting up a Local ARC group.
Arms Reduction Coalition (ARC) Endorsement Form - Endorse our resolution and or become a member.
Arms Reduction Coalition Petition - Print our petition and get others to sign it in Excel Spreadsheet.
About the Arms Reduction Coalition - A summary of ARC
Some ARC resolutions. Encourage conference led organisations to submit a resolution at their conference.
ARC Postcard - A4 Word version of ARC's postcard with Resolution, membership form and Disarmament for Development Graphic based on one example of Diverting Financial resources from Arms to humanitarian and earthism programmes.,
ARC Leaflet - Double sided A4 leaflet that folds into 3 with Resolution, membership form, some quotes and photo of gun outside the UN building in New York.
‘Towards the peaceful use of national resources in the 21st century’. How can we achieve this? And what is the role for campaign groups and civil society? PowerPoint presentation for The House of Lords meeting Monday, 27th February 2006.